Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wonderful week!!

I have had a wonderful week off work.  I know, I am blessed to have a stable, good paying job in these troubled economic times.  But OHHHHH! How sublime it is to know you can do your own thing for an entire week!  I've stayed busy, too.  I often find when I get a day or two off, I waste it doing literally nothing of value OR just chores.  This week, I have been pleased.

Monday morning I baked cookies.  A new recipe (Peanut Butter-Ginger) from a library book about simple and tasty gifts.  I cut the cookies out to resemble little houses, put them in a cute basket with a home-made house warming card. Took that to a friend who just bought her first house with her new husband. (Very cute old house) Then cut some cookies out with my Moose Cookie Cutter and prepared a little box to send to my brother in Oregon, who just had shoulder surgery and is off work for 6 months.  Why a moose?  Well, it just so happens, my darling brothers used to call me "Moose" as a child.  I hated it so much then. (I was a scrawny, tiny thing and it was their loving idea of irony). But as I got older and we all became good friends, as siblings should, it became such an endearment that we carry it on!  I even made him an "I moose you" card with a darling little moose stamped on it.  Packed the rest of the box with western movies, Ernest movies, and books to read and mailed it off.

Bear in mind I am a great planner.... wonderful procrastinator.... and usually never follow thru with my lovely ideas. (Like the care-package) I am so pleased I got it all done. 

Got a haircut Monday afternoon with my honey (My son thought that was a very weird date) and enjoyed the evening after a session of physical therapy ("Tennis Elbow anyone?"). 

TUESDAY, I had lunch with a Sister-in-Christ and had a great visit. Went to the store to get my Valentine supplies (oh, yea) and coveralls for my son who has been "roofing" this last week and tired of ripped knees in his jeans and being cold.

WEDNESDAY, Took my honey and his work van to the shop and delivered him back to his truck; went to PT early; met my daughter in law at the house to prepare our Valentines for our "Card Swap" the weekend of the 4th with friends/family who enjoy doing likewise. Called my pastor and his wife to see if I could bring them lunch/dinner Thursday as they have both been sick with this nasty head cold all week.

TODAY, I got up and took my honey to his work van at the shop and ran to the store for a few missing ingredients for Cheese Tortellini Soup.  Home again to cook. Shower, Make up (1st in days), and off to deliver.  I hope they like it, it's one of my favorites and oh, so easy! 

So, as you see, I have not been idle. I have been reading each evening and praying that God keep me motivated to "do" not just "think".  I hate being a procrastinator and it is something I can change if I want to. It's up to me. Pray for me!!!!! God's Blessings to you and remember to share His love and pass it on to all you meet.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Secret Believers....Muslims who become Christians

2012. A new year. And how glorious.  My husband and I have started ours with illness.... colds to be exact.  Coughing non-stop and oh-so dizzy and tired.  We've both had our doses of antibiotics and still fighting it.  What is one to do but to keep on going?

Today I got up and made my way to church. I missed last week because of this bug and I was NOT going to let it stop me again.  A beautiful sermon, I'm so glad I made it.  I've been reading a book called "Secret Believers" by Brother Andrew and Al Janssen.  Very interesting to date.  It opens my eyes a little more to the struggle of Muslims who come to a faith in Jesus Christ.  I was unaware of a Muslims ideas of Jesus. I knew He (Jesus) was in the Quran, but I didn't know to what extent.  It's been interesting to get a little insight into their thoughts and ideas.  I look forward to the rest of the book and how God speaks to me during my study.  I know it is making me have more of an appreciation for our freedoms.  It's so easy to take for granted what we have.  Can you imagine a family turning on a child for studying the Bible? Beating her? I am not naive. I am aware these things happen. But for some reason it really hit me that this is not just a rare occurrence. This can be the normal way of life in these countries.  Christianity has so shaped our laws, just as Islam has shaped theirs. 

What a commitment to Jesus they make when they step out and say, "I believe!"  I am rambling, I know.  So many thoughts, so difficult to sort and make sense of them all.  Even harder thru this dizziness and haze of this crud that I have.  I would welcome any thoughts and commentary.  Something to get my juices going!!  Happy New Year everyone!!